Conversations in Philosophy on Discord in Reading Groups
There are many different Discord Servers where interesting conversations are happening in reading groups. Here you can see what is available for your philosophical delectation.
Sample Philosophers:
- Heidegger
- Bataille
- Bergson
- Schelling
- Hegel
- Deleuze (also with Guattari)
- Nietzsche
- Foucault
- Badiou
Other Notable Thinkers:
- Lacan
- Jung
- Simondon
Find the Discord Server Invite links on the About page.
Reading Groups
Here we give pointers to severs with reading groups. So you can get as much interesting philosophical discussions about topics in the Western philosophical tradition as you can handle in a week.
Besides reading groups there are other types of discussions that are held on these servers both in audio and in text channels.
Intellectual Exchange
These groups engage in philosophical as well as other more mundane types of intellectual exchange.
Philosophy Reading Groups on Discord
See Server Events for Details
Deleuze and Guattari Quarantine Collective discord server @dandgqc
Continental Philosophy discord server @cont0phil
Lacan discord server
Jung discord server
Analytic Philosophy discord server
Zizek, Badiou, Lacan (ZBL) discord server @zizek0badiou
Applied Category Theory discord server
All times PDT/PST — Los Angeles USA time zone